Monday, November 6, 2017

Love Your Lawyer Day - 3rd Nov, 2017

Several years ago I wrote the following essay encouraging recognition for lawyers. I resurrect it today in honor of Love Your Lawyer Day, celebrated on Nov. 3rd.

National Lawyer Day. Not Law Day celebrated in May and upon which many of us work, but a day to honor lawyers. Establishing a holiday requires considerable thought and planning. Setting up a holiday to honor lawyers would undoubtedly require extraordinary thought and planning.

Most holidays have colors associated with them. What colors can we associate with lawyers? A quick glance around a courtroom revealed gray, navy blue and black with a touch of red. One disgruntled person suggested gold to represent money. Let us use red for cheeriness and black for black letter law and black robes. Red and black are good strong colors.

National Lawyer Day should have special candy. How about candy in the shape of gavels, scales of justice, palm pilots, cellphones and briefcases? That would work. We could have Pez dispensers designed to represent judges, lawyers or clients.

We need T-shirts emblazoned with “National Lawyer Day—take your lawyer to lunch.” Or, “Have you thanked your lawyer recently?”

And flowers; we need flowers. There are plenty of red flowers. It might be harder to find black flowers. There are deep purple, almost black, irises. And this writer has heard of, but never seen, black orchids. There is, I am sure, a clever horticulturist out there who will find a way to create lawyer-like flowers. They will be expensive.

Lastly, we need a parade. What should be its theme? We could celebrate famous cases and their attorneys. The OJ trial, for example, or a tobacco case. Since we are into reality television, we could have a float entitled “When is it all right to eat your neighbor?” How about a Reasonable Doubt or a proximate cause theme? Or one entitled “My Favorite Tort.”

The Capital Steps can march with their briefcases. The attorneys can walk in the parade to receive the adulation of their grateful clients. Bar associations could sponsor floats. A float honoring the judges would be appropriate.

What day of the month should be designated National Lawyer Day? I suggest a Friday, giving the weekend to recover from the celebration. After all, lawyers are an exciting bunch and need the entire week-end to honor the profession. 


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